But I know, if I look to past summers, I will be able to integrate my life: kids and summer fun with writing. Somehow!
The kids know of my need. One day when my son was trying to think of a punishment for some small trespass I'd committed he said: "I know, you're grounded from writing for three days!"
"OOOOHHHH!" I wailed. "You really know where to hurt me!" And he grinned and we giggled.
I can see it now: they're putting me in a nursing home but checking out the internet connection and finding a lap table so I can still use my computer, diary, pens....
I'm working on two stories at the moment: one non-fiction about Nazi-era provenance art for Bexley Public Radio, the other fiction, a 2,000 word short story I want to enter into the Ohio Writer's competition.
The online competition service CRWROPPS (which you can subscribe to as a feed, see previous posts for details) spits out five to eight competitions per day for me to peruse. And I'm getting picky.
Competitions can be a scam. Think of a good name for your comp, set up a PO Box, advertise and watch the checks come in. That's why the website which keeps an eye on comps, Preditors and Editors, doesn't take as valid any comp which charges a reading fee. (Ditto for agents). However, comps are one way magazines and writers' groups get revenue in to keep them afloat.
My rules have become: if it lists a PO Box as its address, don't enter. Wait for comps from magazines and writer's groups you recognize, then check out their websites. One website CRWROPPS listed had a rolling competition - ie, they gave winners out every few months. But when I clicked through to the site, the poetry was diabolical, and basically pay to play.
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