[My dog Jessie, the Best Dog in the World. I only have to think of what I want her to do and she'll do it.]
Although we're flanked by beaucoup houses whose owners may not appreciate the smell of sheep, goats, and chickens, the township planners say the neighbours will just have to get used to new aromas! All those years of dreaming of our own farm when we vacationed in Italy, of eating the delicious mild pecorino cheese, of fresh eggs, of seeing farms on two acres in fervent production, with each nook a place for something to grow, might now be ours.
It seems so sad that the earth here isn't put to good use now, that we watch the grasses wave to themselves, never to be cut for feed or to give nourishment to goats, who will also eat the thistles. But that is About to Change.
Today I talked to the farmer at Stratford Ecological Center who - amazingly - said he used to be in business helping people like me set up their little farms. That the first step will be a soil sample, and a US Geological survey report. Then, when his piglets and lambs are a bit older, he will come by our property and have a good look at what can be done.
Exciting! Home Farm, here we come!
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