Monday, July 31, 2006


Blogging at the moment feels like a secret whispered into a room full of people. I don't get much traffic (can't even find the bloody thing sometimes when I put in the url) so this site is a hidden little corner, a delicious place to play with words, day-to-day experiences and emotions.

It feels like a mini-vacation, a magical slice of time to write, explore...and maybe someone stumbles into this little corner of words and takes a peep. That's part of the fun - not knowing whether someone's listening in on this out-of-the-way space, or if I'm talking into thin air.

And really I don't care either way, 'cos I'm having fun doing what's always been fun for me, I'm playing by myself in the sandpit of writing with a glorious array of pinwheels, trucks, cranes and bright blue buckets and don't care who drops by to enjoy the sunshine too.

Actually, I know there's one other person in the sandbox with me - my best friends since I was eleven, Daniela (hi Dani!) gets the automatic email alert allocated by blogger. And so it's kind of our secret club in cyberspace that no-one else can join except by accidental click and then you get to be part of this whispered conversation.

While other blogs rack up as many clicks as possible, I'm revelling in being a microblog. All my professional life subscription figures - for newspapers, or sales figures - for books, or articles in nationally-read publications, have been important. And this is the tails to that heads.

Are there other whisperblogs out there? Others who write publicly in private? Who are just having fun writing and insta-publishing?

Where are you? Who are you? Let me know.

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