Friday, March 02, 2007

Ad infinitum

My son pointed out a few weeks ago, that mathematically .9999999 repeating to infinity is the same number as one.

The reason? Because in math, a pattern takes precedence over numbers.

I like to think of this as I work out in the gym. I don't lift as much weight as the other ladies. I don't run as fast. I can't do as many reps of v-ups. But I show up. Every week I lift weights twice, get my butt kicked in Boot Camp on Fridays, and spin for an hour on a leftover day. I have a repeating pattern. As I slog around the gym, last in line during the Indian running (do Indians really do that? I don't think so...) ready to drop to a walk, I remind myself that I don't have to be in the gym at all. I could be home watching tivo.

This is like my resurrected writing career. I'm creating patterns: send out queries to editors, get more ideas, send those out, follow up queries, get rejected, try again. Here I'm .999999 once again as I build a reputation for myself, and get back on top of my game. But I remember as I send out another query letter, that mathematically I'm the same as 1. Because it's the pattern that takes precedent over where I physically seem to be today.

There's another theory that the life you're living today, is the life you created for yourself three months ago. That's how long it takes for the ideas you envison to precipitate into the physical world. In otherwords, it will take three months for me to see the life I'm actually creating today, and I'm living the results of what I created three months ago with my actions and intentions.

You may feel like .9999999. But if you're laying down repeating patterns for yourself and struggling to create a different life than the one you didn't like, you're actually mathematically 1.

I'm going to get kicked out of Boot Camp if I keep on trying to tell them these things during our clapping pushups.

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