Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Does Facebook Break Up Marriages?

Do you know someone who's marriage became a casualty of a Facebook flame? Chances are, you do! According to a UK survey, more than a third of divorce filings last year contained the word "Facebook."

I recently wrote an article for Latitude News about the growing father's rights movement - Dads who feel the child custody and child support laws need updating. At the end of the article, divorce lawyer and House Representative Marie Sapienza mooted an interesting idea - mandatory pre-nuptial agreements.

Like the zen idea of contemplating your own death, contemplating the possible end of your union can put your partner into sharper focus, and put you both on the same page.

Intrigued? Take their poll.

With divorce on the cards for one in two marriages, sounds like that ole institution needs all the help it can get. Matter of fact, with so many couples choosing to live together, it's interesting that gay and lesbian people want to be married. They see a value in tying the knot, and will fight for the right to do it.

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